Bay Blokart Club

Mercury Baypark Arena, Truman Lane, Mt Maunganui​​​​​​​

Next race day 15th September. BOP Open 21-22 September

Notice of Race – BBC Monthly Racedays 2024

Dates:             2nd Sunday each month (if postponed the event will be held the following Sunday, and cancelled if it cannot be held that day)

Venue:            Mercury Arena (Western Carpark), Baypark, Tauranga

Times:            Briefing at 12.30pm and racing to commence as soon as practicable afterwards.

Prizegiving at the track as soon as practicable after racing


  • Participants must be a current member of the NZBAI, or another IBRA affiliated association
  • Entry fee $nil. Track fees are no longer payable – thank you Bay Events.
  • Advise the club by the Friday night if you are participating
  • Participants must be at least 12 years of age

Event Format:

All entrants will sail in the same round of racing regardless of weight, experience, age, and type of blokart.

Each round of racing will be divided into randomly drawn heats such that each entrant will race once per round. The number of sailors in each heat will be dependent on wind conditions on the day.

Racing will be run in accordance with The Rules page of the club’s website

The duration of races may be for a set time or for a set number of laps.

Race officials will make the decision whether to start a race or not, and may shorten or abandon a race after it has started (including abandoning the race after the designated time for the race has passed). 

Race drops: A sailor’s worst race placing will be dropped after 8 rounds; the second worst placing dropped after 15 rounds; and the third worst place dropped after 21 rounds.